How to find your passion ?
Passion is the driving force that fuels our desires, motivates our actions, and brings a sense of fulfillment to our lives. Yet, many individuals struggle to identify their true passions, often feeling lost and unfulfilled in their pursuits. Live is too short just follow what you love. 1. Reflect on Your Interests and Childhood Dreams: Finding your passion begins with self-reflection. Take a moment to think back to your childhood days when your imagination had no bounds. Often, our earliest interests and dreams hold valuable clues about our passions. Whether it was drawing, playing an instrument, writing stories, or engaging in sports, these childhood pursuits can offer valuable insights into your passions. 2. Pay Attention to What Energizes You: Passion is synonymous with energy. Notice the activities that leave you feeling invigorated, alive, and inspired. These are the endeavors that have the potential to become your passion. Whether it's volunteering, cooking, coding, gardenin...